Technical passports & documentation
Customs Union Technical Regulations have strict requirements for the documentation used during certification/declaration and accompanying the equipment during shipment and entire lifetime. These requirements are established in Customs Union Technical Regulations and also in the standards included in the Customs Union Technical Regulations.
It is very important to make the documentation in line with these requirements, because if the documentation is not correct – the equipment does not conform the requirements of Customs Union Technical Regulations.
The main attention is made for the following documents:
- Technical passport
- Manual
- Safety case
Technical passport
A technical passport is a document, which is obligatory attached to various technical devices. In general, it includes data on the main parameters and properties of goods and other necessary information about the equipment.
The passports must be made according to requirement of Customs Union Technical Regulations and applicable standards.
For example, for mechanical equipment it is necessary to follow requirements of GOST R 2.610-2019, for valves it is necessary to fulfill requirements of GOST 34612-2019 and CU TR 032/2013. Passports for vessels working under pressure and tanks (vessels working under pressure not more than 0,05 MPa or without pressure (for filling) are made in full compliance with GOST 34347-2017.
Each Customs Union Technical Regulations has its own requirements for the manual content. If the equipment is under several regulations – the requirements of all applicable CU TR must be taken into account.
Safety case
Safety case is the document which includes risk analyses and also the data from design, operation and technological documentation about minimal necessary protective measures. This document accompanies the equipment during all life cycle stages, and data on the results of risk analyses for operation after overhaul is added in this document.
Technical translations
We can make technical translations (English-Russian; Russian-English) of technical documentation and drawings, and also checking of Russian translations.
We provide all the services connected with documentation correctness to the requirements of Customs Union Technical Regulations, including checking, necessary corrections, development of equipment form and consultations about the requirements.